WORK PACKAGE WP 1 - Project management and coordination

D1.1 - Expert Services Reports (deadline: 1/2023)

Description: Short description of the objectives of the contract, overview of activities conducted and results obtained under the contract. Other documentation or outputs could be attached.

D1.2 - Final report (deadline: 3/2023)

Description: Technical and methodological report with explanation of the work carried out, overview of the implementation of the action, including milestones and deliverables.

Work package WP 2 - Gap analysis, methodology, surveys, reporting

D2.1 Gap Analysis Report (deadline: 7/2021)

Description: Report contains analysis of the data available in the Emission Pollution Register database operated by Institute/MESD, data obtained from EPR scheme operated by Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and available data obtained from other sources (Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Customs Administration etc.). Analysis of the level of compliance with new calculation rules and formats for reporting.

D2.2 Report on plastic waste generation and management (deadline: 2/2023)

Description: Report contains information on sources, types and quantities of plastic waste which is generated and managed. It contains proposed methods to collect data under SUP Directive (EU) 2019/904, Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste and Directive (EU) 2015/720 on plastic bags. Report contains conclusions and recommendations for further improvement of data collection system.