Work package WP 2 - Gap analysis, methodology, surveys, reporting

Activity 2.1 Gap analysis

Description: Analysis of current data and data required by SUP Directive (EU) 2019/904, Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste and Directive (EU) 2015/720 on plastic bags. Preparation of Gap analysis report.

Analysis of the data available in the Emission Pollution Register database operated by Minstry of Economy and Sustainable Development, data obtained from EPR scheme operated by Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and available data obtained from other sources (Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Customs Administration etc.). New implementing acts and guidances recently produced by European Commission are consulted in the process in order comply with new calculation rules and formats for reporting.

Activity 2.2 Methodology and selection of priority data

Description: Identification of data sources and data needed for new datasets and calculations.

Description of proposed methods of data collection and calculation. Identification of selected

Activity 2.3 Electronic forms/application

Description: Development of electronic solution (forms / application /GIS maps) for collection, processing and presentation of selected data.

That electronic solution should be used during and/or after the project implementation period.

Activity 2.4 Surveys implementation

Description: Implementation of, at least two, surveys on priority data.

Surveys on consumption of certain selected SUP products, such as investigating share of SUP/non-SUP food containers put on the market. Of interest are data on the consumption of tobacco product filters containing plastics, its share in municipal waste and waste which is subject to litter clean-up activities (from beaches). For fishing gear containing plastics there is a need to identify potential subjects for participation in the future producer responsibility scheme, and quantities put on the market. Improvements are needed on data on plastic packaging put on the market (including lightweight plastic carrier bags), which are available through producer responsibility system.

Activity 2.5 Data analysis, calculation and recommendations

Description: Data analysis, calculation and estimation. Preparation of recommendations to improve data quality and harmonization of national legislation with new EU provisions.

Analysis of data collected by statistical surveys, data consisted in the Environmental Pollution Register and obtained from other sources. Recommendations for further improvement of data collection system on plastic and plastic waste shall relate to different issues, such as possible proposals for additional waste codes to be included in national List of waste, etc.

Activity 2.6 Report on sources, types and quantities of plastic waste

Description: Report is prepared for national purposes (in Croatian, summary in English). Contains information on sources, types and quantities of plastic waste which is generated and managed. Contains description of methods for data collection or estimation. Contains data analysis findings and recommendations for further improvement of data quality.

Activity 2.7 Electronic brochure on plastic waste information

Description: Preparation and dissemination of electronic brochure on plastic waste generation, management and prevention.